Friday, November 23, 2012

17 Weeks and counting...

Dear DH2 -

Yes, you are known as DH2 (actually DH squared...) around the house.  Your daddy calls you this because he thinks naming you "David Hassle Hoff-man" would be so funny.  Hence DH2...  So, instead of calling you "Peanut," or "Bean" or "Baby H," you are lovingly coined DH2.  Don't worry - it won't stick once you join us.  We'll have many other embarrassing names for you... :)

We are so excited for you to finally arrive.  We have 23 weeks or so until that day comes, but we can hardly wait!

You were a birthday gift for your daddy.  We were celebrating his 44th birthday and I wasn't feeling very well.  Nothing bad, but just a little different than usual.  I tend to have a lot of energy, but whew - from the very beginning, you took over.

The next day, I thought I should see what's going on - so I took a quick test.

And another
And a few more - all with the same result.  Happy Birthday Daddy - you're going to be a daddy again!

We were so excited to find out about you!!  I have always dreamed about being a Mommy, and I'll admit, I was a bit overwhelmed when I found out it was coming true.  We have so many hopes and dreams for you.  We can't wait to hold you, snuggle with you and love all over you.

Since I "passed" the tests, so many things have changed.  I daily look more and more like a mommy.  But your daddy and I still like to go have fun with our friends.  We clean up pretty well, actually.

You had your first picture taken when you were 9 weeks.  Daddy and I visited to the doctor to hear your amazing heartbeat.  I cried, and laughed, when I heard it.  "That's amazing!" I said with tears running down my cheek.  Thump thump thump thump... over and over again.  About 160 beats per minutes.  It sounded like you were running on a treadmill - just like your mommy and daddy.

It's taken a few weeks for people to be able to tell that you are on your way.  We started taking pictures of my belly when you were a wee 7 weeks in...

And again at 12 weeks...
and 16 weeks...

So, as of today, you have been in me for 17 weeks.  You are growing like crazy and I can really tell you are taking over my whole world.  Daddy and your sister Lily think it's funny that we like to go to bed early.  But we both need our rest to make sure you grow big and strong when you debut in April.

I thought I would remember every moment of you coming into our world.  But I find I forget some of the small details - but I think about you every moment of the day.  Every time I move, run, eat, laugh, sneeze or go to the potty (which is a lot) - you are on my mind.  You make me cry more than normal, which actually may become the norm once you are here.  You also take away from my restful sleep already.  I'm looking forward to spending the nights with you though.  I'll be ready.

I'll write again soon so we can stay up to date on your progress.  We find out on December 17th if you are a boy or a girl!  YEA!  While, it doesn't matter what you are, it will make it even more real that you are coming very quickly into our house.  You've already made a big impression - just can't wait for you to be here to enjoy it.

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Baby Hoffman, your mother said it well. Grandpa and I have so much love left in our hearts to give freely to you. We too are so excited to hold you, cuddle and love you (and maybe spoil you a bit!) My eyes were filled with tears as i read this letter to you. You are already precious to me!
    Love, Grandma Chips
