Sunday, May 19, 2013

CC's First Week!

CC's first week with us was more than I could have imagined.  I can't stop staring at her beautiful eyes. Her little crooked nose has become something that we adore.  It's what makes her special - makes her different.  Of course, we hope her breathing eases a bit as it appears to be labored sometimes - but she's stills so stinkin' cute...  We gently push it to the middle sometimes to see what she will look like if/when it straightens up.  We barely recognize the girl with the straight nose.  Ha!  Either way, we just love her to pieces!

She's discovered her hands - they are all over the place!  In her face, folded together, holding on to mommy's finger.  Her long fingers are just beautiful.  We think she has hand model potential in her future.  She has long fingernail beds - I'm looking forward to watching Lily paint them for her!  They are quite the canvas for the pretty paint colors Lily will add.  

And her feet & toes...  Oh my...  Sleepers with footies are not in the future for this girl.  Her perfect little feet are already the size of my palm.  And her toes are so long, she curls them.  I love to watch her in her swing when she props her long legs up on the edge of the seat already.  The more I look at her, the more I see another Lily in our future.  I couldn't ask for anything more.

Her first week brought on two doctor's appointments.  One with our personal pediatrician.  Dr. Kathryn Ginocchi. She is this petite little thing who is so gentle with Caelyn.  We were very happy with this initial appointment and Caelyn handled it well too.  She didn't like to be weighed but everything was great!

We took her to her pediatrician on Monday morning, 5/13.  CC is back up to her birth weight already - she had two weeks to get there and she did it in under a week!  Girl is eating like a champ!  Her pediatrician didn't feel the same issues with her skull that the pediatrician at the hospital felt right after she was born, so we were feeling a bit more confident going into Tuesday's appointment that she may not have the skull issues we were originally concerned about.

We then took Caelyn to Nationwide Children's Hospital yesterday morning to their Craniofacial Center.  We met with Dr. Gregory Pearson, who is the center director.  He and two other Drs looked at CC's head, nose and palate.  They quickly determined that her skull looks to be forming fine - so much so that they didn't even think images were necessary. We were so relieved!  Ken was pretty confident going in that this would be the case - he's always the calm, collected one...  I am the typical new mom and was living with a lump in my throat every time I thought about it...

They looked at her palate as well.  It is not open, so they ruled out a cleft palate.  They said there is a potential that she has a submucus cleft palate, which means the roof of her mouth is covered by a mucus membrane.  This is usually identified by a cleft uvula (the tissue that hangs down at the back of your mouth/throat).  She does not have a cleft uvula, so they believe the submucus cleft palate is unlikely as well.  But in a week old child, it was difficult for them to determine 100%.  We will keep an eye on this.

And, for her nose, she definitely has a deviated septum.  This could have occurred in utero, or during the birth process.  Considering she was born sunny side up, we believe the birth process is more likely.  But, it doesn't really matter, right?  Her right nostril is completely closed at this point, so she is breathing through her left nostril.  It doesn't seem to be affecting her too much though.  Her breathing is a little louder than other babies, but she is able to get plenty of oxygen.  There is no real treatment for her at this point since she is so young.  

Her nose continues to move and bounce back more and more every day.  If you saw her on her birth day - she looks much more comfortable.  The swelling has gone down at the bridge of her nose, as well.

We have a follow up appointment on August 27th to look at her nose again.

Introducing Caelyn Celeste Hoffman

She's here!  She's here!!

We waited 41 weeks to meet the most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on.  And it was all worth it.  While we thought she would make her arrival on her own, and well before 41 weeks - Caelyn had other ideas.

A scheduled induction was needed to get things moving for Caelyn's arrival.  We were scheduled at Dublin Methodist Hospital on Monday, May 6 at 8pm.  I was pretty nervous for the process to start.  I wasn't sure what I was in for, but I knew that within 24 hours, we would be holding our daughter.

Ken, Lily, my mom and I arrived at the hospital and went directly to Labor & Delivery.  Our plan was to have Lily in the room for CC's birth, but unfortunately, we found out as we walked to my room that visitors have to be 16 or over to be in L&D.  We were so disappointed.  It was a big moment for Lily - she was becoming a big sister.  But, in the end, it all worked out.  The nurses were awesome and understanding of this big moment for Lily.

We started pitocin around 8:30pm and soon contractions were starting.  Around 2am, we moved forward with an epidural and soon after, the nurse broke my water.  Things seemed to be going as planned, until the real contractions started after my water broke.  Yowzers!  We thought it wouldn't be a problem, but the epidural didn't take on my right side.  The pain was unbearable.  Contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart, so they felt pretty constant.  It felt like my side was going to burst with every contraction.

I was scared that there wouldn't be anything we could do and a half natural birth would be necessary.  Ken held my hand and helped wipe away tears.  I remember telling him I wasn't sure if I could do this, but he was there by my side - encouraging and supporting me.  I know he didn't think he was helping me, but just having him beside me made a world of difference.  I didn't feel alone with him by my side.

Around 5am (yes, 3 hrs later), we removed the first epidural and started a second.  This time, I felt the "zing" down my legs.  Whew!!  So much better!  I literally felt like a whole new person!  I could relax and actually rest during the contractions.  We checked my progress around 6am and I was at 10 cm's!  The time was here!  I was excited and nervous - but mostly exhausted.  The contractions without the epidural drained my energy and made it difficult think about labor.

Ken and I called our moms to make the trip to the hospital.  We also called Kama, our photographer.  She captured the birth in the most beautiful pictures.  I can't thank her enough for being there with us.  These are images that are so precious and meaningful.  It was the greatest moment in our lives and we can relive it forever.

Because of my exhaustion, we decided it would be best if I got some rest before we started pushing.  I slept for about an hour and half, which made all the difference in the world.  Finally, around 8:45, it really was time for Caelyn to start her trek into the world.

9:36 am.  May 7, 2013.  Welcome Miss Caelyn Celeste Hoffman!!  I continue to ask myself (and Ken) how it is possible to love and adore this little being.  She is an amazing addition to our family.  Her eyes speak to us in ways words cannot describe.  She came out of the womb "sunny side up", which surprised the midwife and everyone else in the room.  Her wide eyes soaked in her new life and everything surrounding her.

We immediately saw a mini-Ken had entered the world.  Not only does she look exactly like him, but her long arms, fingers, legs and feet were definitely parts of him!  We're yet to see what she inherited from me - maybe her eyes eventually?

The transition to motherhood has been very natural.  It's something I've always wanted and there's nothing better than telling my baby "Momma's here..."  The 41 weeks seemed to take forever, but now I can't imagine our world without her.  Welcome home CC!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

...And we wait...

Good morning Baby Hoffman!

Today is April 24 and we still technically have 6 days left before your official due date.  Notice I'm saying "technically" and "official".  These two words are terms that are helping your family try to wait patiently for your arrival!  But, honestly, we can hardly handle it any more!

Over the past weeks, I've had so many "symptoms" of labor, but none of them have been the real thing yet.  From the aches & pains, to you dropping lower in preparation to birth, and daily "Braxton Hicks" contractions - we keep thinking "today is the day!"  But you are proving who is boss, already.  Grandma Chips tells me to just get used to it!  :)

I have been feeling you move around in my belly for 21 weeks - kicking, rolling, stretching and most recently - lots of hiccups!  We are ready to see you do all of these things outside the womb!  I get excited every time I feel you move and stretch.  It's just another reminder of the amazing life inside of me and adds to the anticipation of meeting you!

Every morning your daddy wakes up and asks you to come see him.  He can't wait to snuggle with you - I think he's almost more impatient than me right now!  Lily is also looking forward to showing you off to her friends.  She's still a little nervous about being a big sister, but I think you both are so lucky to have each other!

We're going for long walks every day - something you can get used to.   Spring is in the air and it's beautiful to see all of the new life.  You being a "spring baby" just seems so appropriate!

So, we will sit and wait for you to be ready to come see us.  In a way, I'm going to miss being pregnant.  There have been so many moments that only you and I have shared.  You wake me during the middle of the night, just moving around in your secure home.  Your hiccups have made me laugh.  I want to comfort you when you are hiccuping, but everything I've read has assured me that you are fine.

Looking forward to meeting you face-to-face sometime in the next 2 weeks!  Maybe today is the day!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A quiet Saturday morning...

Hello Baby Girl!!

It's a snowy Saturday morning.  Your daddy is at the gym.  Your sister is sound asleep up in her room.  And you and I are chilling with the kitties and watching HGTV.  I love mornings like this.  The house is quiet and you are kicking away.  I know it won't be long before these serene mornings are cherished even more.  I'm looking forward to the mornings when I will sit and watch you sleep peacefully and can't wait for you to open your eyes.  It warms my heart just thinking about it!

Your kicks are getting stronger every day.  It makes me laugh every time I feel you move around.  Just over the past couple days, I've been entertained by all of your movement.  You kept me up a bit last night with all of your gymnastics, but it was so fun to spend that time with you!  One moment you're kicking on my right side, and the next you're over on my left.  It's amazing!  You are one active little girl.  And I know it's just beginning!

There were a few weeks where you refused to kick for Daddy.  I'd sit and feel you moving all around.  As soon as your daddy would come over to share in the moment, you would relax.  I know it's because he calms you.  His large, warm hand relaxes and comforts you.

But now, you are flourishing and growing.  He's been able to share in your kicks on a number of occasions.  It makes him so happy to feel you!!  He tells you he loves you every day and kisses you good bye before he goes to work.  This is just something to get used to.  Just ask your sister... :)

Lily & Daddy on the beach.  Can't wait to add you to images like these!

We've had so much happen in the past 6 weeks!  Since we found out you are a girl, we've been getting everything ready for your arrival!  We have a plan for your bedroom - Lily is working to make your shared space perfect and organized.  Oh, you are so lucky to have such a fun sister!!  I'll tell you more about her soon!

Your pretty sister

You made your first trip to Florida for Christmas to visit with Grandma Chips & Grandpa Fish.  We had so much fun going to the beach.  We also saw Papa Dave & Grandma Margaret.  All of your grandparents are so excited to meet you!  Girl - you are loved by so many already!!

Mommy, with Fish & Chips.  Burr...  It was cold at the beach!

While you are growing inside of me, I can see my belly expanding every day!  There are some days I almost forget how big you are getting... until I catch a glimpse of me in the mirror.  I look more and more like a mommy.  Your mommy!

22 Weeks
26 Weeks
And 27 Weeks!!
Only 11 more weeks to go until we get to meet you!!!  We are soooo excited!!

I love you,

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's a....

Dear DH2 -

Where do I begin?  It's been a very eventful month.  We are now 21 weeks into knowing you - only 19 weeks until we get to meet you in person.  Oh, we are so excited!!

You are growing constantly and I'm feeling you every step of the way.  About 2 weeks ago (on December 1), I felt your little flutters for the first time.  You felt like butterfly wings brushing inside Mommy's tummy.  Lily and I were sitting talking about her day (She's on a dive team at school.  Maybe it's something you'd like to do some day), when I felt you insert yourself into the conversation.  I was so excited to feel you.  Lily was a little disappointed she couldn't feel you yet, but I know you knew she was there.  When she touched my belly, I could feel you move around.  She keeps trying to feel you move - I know some day soon she will!

A couple days later, your daddy took this picture of you and me.  I was 19 weeks pregnant when we took this.
You can see how happy I am knowing you are with me all the time.

And then, just a week later, we took another picture.  It may not seem like you grew a lot in a week, but I could tell.  I can feel your flutters more and more every day.  You like to keep me entertained while I'm at work.  When I sit too long, you start moving and it's a reminder that we need to walk around.  It's the most wonderful feeling.

All these flutters make me wonder what you will be like when you are born.  I just know you'll be active.  Kicking and squirming.  Smiling and giggling.  Your daddy and sister are funny, so there will be lots to laugh at.  We have kittys too that can't wait to meet you.  We keep warning them about you, but I don't think they understand yet...  They will find out soon enough!

But, the biggest moment so far happened yesterday.  Daddy and I went to see Dr. Kelly to see how you are doing.  Oh, baby, you are getting sooo big!  He said you are 15 ounces already - almost a pound!  No wonder I can feel you.  He gave us some great pictures of you.

Here's a picture of your foot - I think this foot has been very active all day!
And this is your first portrait.  Ok, so this isn't the picture you want to show off when you are older, but I think it's beautiful.  Dr. Kelly told us that "everything looks great" with you.

But there was one important piece of information that we asked Dr. Kelly to write down, instead of telling us.  We were finding out if you are a boy or a girl.  Oh, I was so anxious!  Not that it really matters, but it just makes you so much more real.  While I'm already dreaming about what your life will bring, knowing if you are a boy/girl will make those daydreams so much more vivid!

You will soon find out that your daddy and I like to include our friends and family in big moments in our life.  Each one of them is precious to us and it's so much more fun to share these times with them.  They are all so excited to meet you too, so we thought it made sense for us all to hear if you are a he or she together.

Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman - you will see lots of them when you arrive - graciously agreed to make a cake to announce your big news.  We had Dr. Kelly write down the information on an index card and we gave the card to Christine.  She made the prettiest, most delicious cake to celebrate you!!

 I was so excited!  I could barely cut into the pretty cake.  Again, the love and joy we already feel for you wouldn't have changed if we saw pink or blue.  You have added so much to our family in such a short time.  I can only imagine what the future has in store for you.

After a couple minutes, I finally cut into the cake.  The icing, which told us if you are a girl or a boy, was.....

I couldn't believe it.  I honestly thought you were a boy.  But your daddy knew.  He knows everything.  When you get older and have questions, you will know that your daddy is the man.  He can help you with anything.  And, he even knew you were a girl!  Oh, a baby girl!  I'm still in shock.

So, here we are.  This was a really big moment for all of us.  I know, I mean I really know, that you are excited that your secret is out.  We know you are going to keep our family on our toes.  You will be entertaining and fun.  You will be kind and loving.  You will be a ham for the crowd and you will do anything for your sister's attention.  I just know it.  I can't wait for you to join us so we can prove to everyone, together, that Mommy knows things sometimes too... :)  We'll make a great team.

We are counting down the weeks now.  Scheduling birthing classes and planning your nursery.  I'm so excited, I can hardly handle it anymore.  But you still have a lot of growing to do, and I will support you the whole time.

We love you dearly precious baby girl!


Friday, November 23, 2012

17 Weeks and counting...

Dear DH2 -

Yes, you are known as DH2 (actually DH squared...) around the house.  Your daddy calls you this because he thinks naming you "David Hassle Hoff-man" would be so funny.  Hence DH2...  So, instead of calling you "Peanut," or "Bean" or "Baby H," you are lovingly coined DH2.  Don't worry - it won't stick once you join us.  We'll have many other embarrassing names for you... :)

We are so excited for you to finally arrive.  We have 23 weeks or so until that day comes, but we can hardly wait!

You were a birthday gift for your daddy.  We were celebrating his 44th birthday and I wasn't feeling very well.  Nothing bad, but just a little different than usual.  I tend to have a lot of energy, but whew - from the very beginning, you took over.

The next day, I thought I should see what's going on - so I took a quick test.

And another
And a few more - all with the same result.  Happy Birthday Daddy - you're going to be a daddy again!

We were so excited to find out about you!!  I have always dreamed about being a Mommy, and I'll admit, I was a bit overwhelmed when I found out it was coming true.  We have so many hopes and dreams for you.  We can't wait to hold you, snuggle with you and love all over you.

Since I "passed" the tests, so many things have changed.  I daily look more and more like a mommy.  But your daddy and I still like to go have fun with our friends.  We clean up pretty well, actually.

You had your first picture taken when you were 9 weeks.  Daddy and I visited to the doctor to hear your amazing heartbeat.  I cried, and laughed, when I heard it.  "That's amazing!" I said with tears running down my cheek.  Thump thump thump thump... over and over again.  About 160 beats per minutes.  It sounded like you were running on a treadmill - just like your mommy and daddy.

It's taken a few weeks for people to be able to tell that you are on your way.  We started taking pictures of my belly when you were a wee 7 weeks in...

And again at 12 weeks...
and 16 weeks...

So, as of today, you have been in me for 17 weeks.  You are growing like crazy and I can really tell you are taking over my whole world.  Daddy and your sister Lily think it's funny that we like to go to bed early.  But we both need our rest to make sure you grow big and strong when you debut in April.

I thought I would remember every moment of you coming into our world.  But I find I forget some of the small details - but I think about you every moment of the day.  Every time I move, run, eat, laugh, sneeze or go to the potty (which is a lot) - you are on my mind.  You make me cry more than normal, which actually may become the norm once you are here.  You also take away from my restful sleep already.  I'm looking forward to spending the nights with you though.  I'll be ready.

I'll write again soon so we can stay up to date on your progress.  We find out on December 17th if you are a boy or a girl!  YEA!  While, it doesn't matter what you are, it will make it even more real that you are coming very quickly into our house.  You've already made a big impression - just can't wait for you to be here to enjoy it.

Love you!